After being satisfied hanging arround Banda Aceh if you have a lot of time and certainty considerable cost you could visiting more spot in Aceh.The nearest place is Aceh Besar wich has± 2686 km ² also has several interesting tourism spot, such as ;
Krueng Raya is 35 km from Banda Aceh.In the area there are port named "Port Malahayati" used frequently Banda Aceh people to cross to the island of Weh (Sabang). Finally disabled the port after the port of Ulee LHE enable a more stately built. Krueng Raya, including areas with the worst damage due to Tsunami can be reached within 30 minutes from Banda Aceh.
2. In this area is also very famous with its beach named Ujong Batee, where in addition to its beautiful beaches also have a quite magnificent restaurant that serves food that is typical of the famous Crab Aceh Besar, Windu Shrimp, Oysters, Turtle Eggs, and a variety of seafood and agricultural other. Ujong Batee beach itself is located about 17 km east of Banda Aceh. The beach is covered with dense pine trees is a patron of the visitors when a hot day so it is quite comfortable to relax.
This time we visit one waterfall attractions in Kuta Malaka, Samahani District, Aceh Besar District. This waterfall is located at approximately 600 m ketinggin DPL, which is stratified. It is said that local people said to reach 8 levels and some say 20 tingkat.Untuk to the location we have to travel 30 km from the center of Banda Aceh. This tourist location is not professionally managed either by local government of Aceh Besar and private, so not many tourists who visit and the facilities are not available. The location is surrounded by virgin forest which is very cool and give the feel of its own and the road leading to the site must pass through the mountains is very beautiful.
Excellence is not just an object Krueng Jreu has a beautiful nature, but also has a river with clean water flowed freely between the foot of the hills are hard to find elsewhere in NAD. Jrue Krueng natural tourist attraction located in the District of Indrapuri, about 31 km from the city of Banda Aceh (about 5 km from the national road from Banda Aceh to Medan) lately, every day a holiday packed with visitors, mostly citizens of the city of Banda Aceh which came with relatives and family.
Murmur of water flowing from the rocks and sembilir winds that blow through the trees that add beauty mejulang high waterfall tourist attraction in the village of Lhong Krueng Kala, Kacamatan Lhong, Aceh Besar District. The place is located about 55 kilometers from the center of Banda Aceh is often visited by hundreds or even thousands of people of Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar, and even some that had come from Lomn
Indra Patra Fortress which is located near the beach Ujong Batee, Ladong Village, Masjid Raya subdistrict, Aceh Besar District was built by the Kingdom Lamuri, the first Hindu kingdom in Aceh (Indra Patra) in the period before the arrival of Islam in Aceh, namely in the seventh century AD . The fort is large and constructed a solid, unique architecture, made of lime concrete. Currently, the only remaining castle of two, it was the door of the castle has been destroyed by the tsunami. In the beginning there are three major parts remaining stronghold. The largest fort measures 70 x 70 meters with a height of 3 meters more. There is a large room-sized and sturdy 35 x 35 meters and height of 4 meters. The design of the building looks so special and sophisticated, according to its time due to reach the inside of the castle, must be passed to climb first
Mosque Indra Puri, located about 150 meters from the banks of the River Krueng Aceh, Indrapuri subdistrict, Aceh Besar District, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Indonesia, based on archaeological sites, is the oldest mosque in the archipelago, which is influenced by Hinduism in the past. In 1874, this place was once used to inaugurate Tuanku Muhammad Daud Shah as Sultan Muhammad Daud Shah Alaiddin.
The location of the museum is located on the western side of Jalan Banda Aceh-Lhok Nga, in rural areas with the green paddy field, precisely in the Village Lampisang, Lhok Nga, Aceh Besar District, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Indonesia. Cut Museum shaped traditional Acehnese house (rumoh Aceh), is a replica of the heroine's house in Aceh, Cut. At first, this house is home heroine Cut. In Aceh War era, this house was burned by the Dutch army (1893) who later rebuilt in the early 1980s and converted into a museum. The foundation of this building are still original.
Visiting the tomb Teuku Umar, on the side of a road of Meulaboh in West Aceh District, Village Mugou Rayeuk, District Panton Reu, had seen the gate. Then go into the forest area that can be reached by vehicle as far as more or less one kilometer. Then walk down and up the stairs as far as 100 meters. Teuku Umar tomb is very simple, just a mound of pebbles with a small plain stone marker. His shrine is protected by a low cupola building open, and inside the forest area Glee Mugou.
The tomb is located in 1933 Pocut Baren Tungkop, Mas River District, West Aceh district located in the inland area which is about 60 km from Meulaboh to the Tutut / Geumpang.
3. Lhoksumawe
Lhokseumawe is a town in Aceh province, Indonesia. The city is located right in the middle lane east of Sumatra. Being in between Banda Aceh and Medan (with the distance by road from Banda Aceh and Medan ± 6 hours), so the city is a distribution point and trade is very important to the Acehnese. Some of the tourist attraction that is considered very supportive ability Tourism Sector in the future include:
Ujong Blang beach including beach east coast of Sumatra island. The beach is located in the municipality of Lhokseumawe. Length is only several hundred meters. The water was quite clear, with waves waves are not too high and tight. On the beach there are many restaurants stop, where local communities and travelers to spend time watching the waves from place to place. Day of week to be a favorite time to fill the holiday by the beach Ujong Blang. It could be argued the city of Lhokseumawe is a city with little alternative entertainment and attractions. Therefore Ujong Blang beach became the main object of citizens to break with family or beloved.
Rancong beach adjacent to the island Seumadu a natural tourist attraction located in Aceh, exactly in the city of Lhokseumawe, the beauty of this beach to amaze foreign and domestic tourists, especially the very busy holiday visitors arrive, let alone for the weekend for a family gathering is very fascinating.
3. Pulau Seumadu
Pulau Muara Seumadu located in District One, City of Lhokseumawe. Seumadu island tourist sites are located approximately 10 kilometers east of Lhokseumawe. If it gets in front of the housing complex PT. Arun, the berbeloklah to the left. Straight, Follow the road. About 100 yards from the Medan-Banda Aceh road, right in front of the Housing Complex PT. Arun, you will find tourist sites beach.
4. Pantai Reklamasi Pusong
Beach Reclamation Pusong is located on the island beach pusong, but because of abrasion and the dredging of sand, this beach is not maintained, and spacious beaches are in pusong to feel small, pusong island itself was originally a very large island is now widely Pusong only ± 6 hectares and is inhabited about 8000 people, if viewed along the beach.
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